Thursday, June 10, 2010

Plotter Robot

In the present time ,robotics is discovering new dimensions for every day life .
we can reduce the human efforts by using robots for most of the tasks in home, industry,offices,markets and almost every where.

I got an idea about printing with a robot, which is given a name "mini plotter" or "pocket plotter". It is just an idea that a robot may be used to print pages,make big banners and painting etc.

Its size may be big in the beginning but can be reduced to even a pocket sized or a little bigger.
The mechanism of this robot is very simple.It consists of three or four tyres ,some sensors , a positioning mechanism and a writing organ.
It may be radio controlled or computer controlled by which specific dimensions of paper and commands to print or write are given.It will be battery operated and move independently on the paper without any cables.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Green Revolution Idea

I got a very interesting idea, i would like to share with you. I don't know whether it could be implemented or not but it is such a thing that is a fun to think. Here is the idea....

as we know that , plants are producers of glucose and all animals and human ultimately depend upon plants.also we know that every thing we eat is converted to glucose. Now think of a animal who have chlorophyll in its skin ... Yes a green horse or a green cat, or even a green man.which means it is photosynthetic organism and can produce its own food (glucose) for its body, consume wastes of the body(urea as fertilizers) . And here we go, A pure green, echo friendly self maintained creature, who just need some water and sunlight. even he will discharge some oxygen which may be excreted from the body or may be used for its own respiration ,and also it will absorb CO2 (for photosynthesis).

Think if it is used in humans :-)

A lush green man....

With grass on head instead of hair and mustache. no need to eat too much , no need to breath (in the morning), can live under the water, no need to sunblocks, no need to eat tasteless boiled vegetables to remain fit.

But there are some interesting drawbacks .
  • He must keep himself away from sheep , cows, donkeys, horses etc :-)
  • He have to go to a gardener ,so that he makes your grass head stylish ...
  • He must not be exposed to extreme sunlight.

please post your comments ...
Also give your suggestions .....